01484 600384


Lepton C.E. Primary Academy

Mental Health and Wellbeing


At Lepton, we know that your child's mental health is equally as important as their physical health.

Although you often can’t see it with your bare eyes, a mental health problem can cause serious damage to a person’s life and well-being. For us to work on mental health issues prevention, we need to raise awareness about these problems. School is definitely one of the places where mental health awareness needs to be at a high level.

We are partnered with Kirklees Keep In Mind, who, along with the PSHE curriculum we deliver, offer workshops across school for all ages of children and can offer 1:1 counselling support. Workshops include: Worry management, worry monsters, low mood, anxiety, body image and transition.

All children across school will take part in at least one work shop each year.

Included in this offer, we are lucky to have a linked Parent and Community Worker (PCW) who can offer support and advice to parents, both in a group and individual session.

Please see below the information about our PCW, the website link to Kirklees Keep in Mind and a range of training available for parents.